Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In the above pictures, you see me getting permission from our Super Principal, Puan Siti Arfah bt Ibrahim, to go out from the school for a while as I needed to buy ice from the factory nearby as we sell herbal drinks at the library on Wednesday.
Eventhough, the distance from the school to the factory is less than 2 kilometres, to and fro, I felt that it is safer to get permission from Puan Siti.  I have heard reports of a few teachers who had gone out from their schools during school hours without permission and had met with accidents .  Those who survived lived to regret their actions as they found that their pensions and gratuity were withdrawn.  The family of those who did not survive also suffered as they could get financial support after the loss of their breadwinner. 
As I have no husband and no children of my own to look after me in old age, I am particularly careful as to not lose my pension or gratuity.  So I make it a point to get permission first.  After  all, it is better to be safe than sorry later on.

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