Thursday, April 28, 2011


 The retirement ceremony for Cikgu Mohd. Sulaimi bin Md. Islam was held today, 28th April 2011.  Early in the morning, he and his wife were chauffeur driven from their home to the school where there was a welcoming reception by the teachers and student leaders.  This was followed by prayers which was led by Ustaz Fauzi.  After that speeches were made by the head prefect, the chairman of the PIBG, the chairman of the KGKT and the senior assistant. 
There were performances by the teachers and students after the speeches.  Then the highlight of the ceremony took place.  First there was a visual presentation specially for Cikgu Sulaimi and the highlight was the speech by Cikgu Sulaimi.  Then the class representatives presented their gifts to Cikgu Sulaimi.  The representative from the PPD also presented him with a gift.  The final gift of the ceremony which was one from SMVSM was presented by Ustaz Lotpi to Cikgu Sulaimi. 
Then it was time for him to leave the hall to make his way to the office to punch out for the last time.  On route to the hall, he was greeted by his students and also the teachers.  After clocking out, there was a photography session with members of the Manjung Bikers Club who were the outriders accompanying him from his home to the school.  He and his wife were later driven to a restaurant where a farewell lunch was going to be held for him.

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