Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The mulberry plant can be easily grown. As a matter there are two such plants in the school herb garden. Besides the fruit, the leaves can be boiled and drunk as a herbal drink.

The taste of the mulberry leaf is bitter, sweet and is considered to have calming properties according to the Chinese medical tradition, reports "Acupuncture Today." People in India and China have used the herbal treatment for centuries to remove excessive heat and toxins from the body.

Mulberry is useful for the persons who use their eyes a lot during work. Regular consumption of the mulberry fruit or leaves strengthens eyesight.

Mulberry has the function of nourishing blood. If the person who has anemia, pallor, dizziness, insomnia, and heart-palpitations regularly takes mulberry juice, they will experience good effects.

Mulberry leaves can be dried and made into a tea. The Mulberry leaf tea can balance blood sugar which means it is beneficial for those suffering from diabetes.


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