Friday, August 13, 2010


This is Miss Cheah on Thursday night.  She has been undergoing a lot of stress lately because of her housing problems.  Towards the third week of July, the owner of the house that she is renting sent her a text message asking her to move out of the house by the end of July.  However, the paperwork for her new house is not ready yet and so she cannot move in.  After a lot of hysterics and also pleadings she got the new house owner to let her stay until September 30 but then she had to pay 3 months rent in advance.  If by that time she does not get the key to the new house, she still has to move.  She has been bugging the housing developer and also the lawyer to speed up the process.  If not, Miss Cheah has got to move into the Pengetua's Quarters in school for the time being and then move again to the new house.  Argggghhhhh!!!  Because of the worrying and stress, her blood pressure shot up
During Friday assembly, Miss Cheah felt very faint and had to leave the hall after the singing of the state song and national anthem.  She was actually going to faint but thank goodness Puan Kamariah held on to her during the singing session.  Kak Mah, the school cleaner, gave Miss Cheah some traditional treatment after that.
Puan Asiah helped to attend to the visitors from a book publication company because Miss Cheah was still not well after the treatment by Kak Mah.
Finally Miss Cheah had to ask permission from the principal to seek treatment from a traditional Chinese healer.  The uncle used acupressure to treat her.  Painful though the treatment was, it worked.
This is Miss Cheah on Friday afternoon - feeling very much better.  No more dizziness or weakness.
Saturday morning:  Back to normal energetic self.

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