Monday, August 16, 2010


My Muslim friends, colleagues and students fast in order to be closer to God during the month of Ramadhan.

It is stated in the Quran:

"O believers! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order that you become more conscious of God."
[Quran 2:183]

Besides fasting, Muslims are also to do good deeds, which may bring them closer to their God in an attempt to gain His reward and forgiveness.

It is also during the month of Ramadhan when I help Ustaz Syed Sharim to get contributions to buy new clothes for the orphans at the Pondok to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Though I am a practising Taoist but I believe that charity knows no distinctions of race, creed or colour. What matters to me is that there are humans in need of my help and I will do whatever I can to bring some happiness and cheer into their lives, especially during festive seasons.

There are more than 50 children residing at the Home where Ustaz Syed helps to run. Thankfully the festive clothes for the girls have already been sponsored by one Professor and his wife and so we only have to think about getting sponsors to buy clothes for 25 boys.

After school this afternoon, Puan Kamariah and I went to two shops to check out the prices for Baju Melayu, Kopiah and Chapal for the boys.  We noticed that the prices had gone up compared to the previous year.  After we did some calculation, the cost of buying new clothings for one boy would amount to RM 80.00.  If we times that by 25 boys, that would add up to RM 2000. 

I have already asked a few teachers including Puan Siti Arfah, Puan Hajah Salmah, Puan Norsehan, Ustazah Roslina, Ustazah Fauzana, Puan Kamariah and they have agreed to contribute some money to buy new clothes for the orphans.  Now I need more kind hearted and generous people from Vokasma to do their bit to make Hari Raya Aidil Fitri special for these children. 

If you are interested to help, please contact either Ustaz Syed Sharim or Miss Cheah.  Your help is much appreciated.

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