Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Here are some photographs that Cikgu Daniel took with my new camera.  Judging from the pictures above, I can say that I have had my money's worth.  Well, I have been keeping money aside to buy this present for myself for a long time and finally decided on purchasing this model after much pouring over information in the Internet, the newspapers and also discussion with Cikgu Daniel.  Besides it was on offer. If not I would have had to pay RM 700 more for the camera and the flashlight external flash.
I work very hard for my money and so I make sure the things that I buy for myself are of good quality and would last me a long time.  I think the Malay proverb, "Alah Membeli, Menang Memakai" is very apt indeed.  When literally translated it means "Lose when you buy it, win when you use it."  Expensive things are worth the cost as they last a long time.No need buying something cheap and then complaining that it is not good enough or that it gets spoilt after a short while.  I am sure many would agree with me.

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