Saturday, July 31, 2010


After weeks of planning, preparing, training and rehearsing for the Minggu Anugerah and Aqiqah 2010, we at Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Seri Manjung are ready for the big day.
The photographs below show the state of readiness we are in:

Cikgu Azreen having a word with one of the students on duty.
P.A. System member on duty at the main entrance
Reception counter to register award recipients
The prizes and certificates are ready and waiting to be handed out to the recipients
Checking one more time to make extra sure everything is in perfect order.
Waiting to receive our guests
Waiting to showcase their silat performance
The ever ready Kompang group
The male teachers waiting in line to welcome Tuan Haji Tajuddin bin Jab, Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik & Vokasional.
The lady teachers lining up to welcome our guests

Adjusting the scarf of one of the performers
The choir boys waiting for their turn to perform
The Bunga Manggar girls waiting to escort the Pengarah to the hall
The gimmick
The beautifully decorated stage
In readiness for the Quran recital
Another look at the stage props

We are ready for this once a year grand event.  Welcome to Vokasma.

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