Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The headmistress of S.K. Lumut made an appointment with me tomorrow morning.  Last week she had asked our super principal, Puan Siti Arfah bt Ibrahim, for technical assistance to create a website for her school. 
For my session with her, I had to create a new website for our school as we had some problems with the old web site.  She would be able to use it as a source of reference to create a site for her school. 
As it took me more than 4 hours to come up with it, I am now seeing stars.  Puan Siti Arfah told me that the headmistress mentioned that she would be bringing one or two more teachers for the session.
Adoi!  Never would I have thought that I would end up giving technical assistance on making websites when my major is English Language.  Funny is the way of the world.
If you are interested to see what I have done in 4 hours, you can visit:

1 comment:

ummuazas said...

Lina I've browsed through the website and I'm soooooooo impressed with what you've done! Congratulations...:)