Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The third location we visited for the Traineeship Programme was Crystal Hotel in Sitiawan.  We met the manager of the hotel, a Filipina by the name of Ms Lyn.  She later brought us to where our boys were working.
Lan had to check the bulbs in the hotel rooms today to make sure that they are functioning properly.
While our boys did the maintenance, there were also trainees from Indonesia.  They were assigned to housekeeping tasks.  Our boys also learnt to lay the bed.  They demonstrated their newly acquired skills to me.
Pak Tam wiping the lamp after checking the bulb.
Besides checking light bulbs, the boys also helped to clean the room as well.
Another trainee from Indonesia.  She tells me that after they complete their training, they will be based at J.W. Marriot Hotel in Medan.

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