Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Tired though I was from judging the Tokoh NILAM Competition at PKG Sitiawan, I rushed back to school immediately after the programme ended at 2.35 p.m.  This was because I was informed by Tuan Haji Ahmad Hasnin and Puan Kamariah that try as they did, the both of them could not find nor contact the teacher in charge of the competition. 
What to do?  The competition had to go on and Puan Kamariah had to take over.  However, she was still a teacher short for the judging. Tuan Haji Ahmad Hasnin was conducting the Public Speaking Competition in the library aided by Cik Irma and Cik Nor Izma.  And that was why instead of taking a rest after a tiring day at PKG Sitiawan, I went back to help.  The competition was from 3.30 p.m. until 4.30 p.m.  Most of the contestants were from Form 4 as the Form 5 students had Teknik Menjawab Soalan at the school hall.  Puan Kamariah and I allowed the two Form 5 students who turned up for the competition to read the news first so that they could attend the session.

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