Thursday, May 20, 2010


The library was full of people the whole of today.  During the first two periods, Puan Nor Hafizah was there with her students for NILAM.  My 4JER1 class also had their class in the library.  After that Puan Fatihah brought her class for NILAM.  At recess time, the place was full of students who wanted to either borrow or return library books.  Some came to read the newspapers and also play chess.  Then Ustazah Fauzana booked the library to teach her Agama Islam class.  Later another teacher brought her relief class to the library.  Ustazah Roslina also brought her Agama Islam class to the library during the last period.  After school, there were about 40 boys who came to the library either to watch the Discovery Channel, to read the newspapers or to study. 
It was indeed a very hectic day for Puan Asiah and I.  I don't know about Puan Asiah but I developed a bad headache at the end of the day.

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