Monday, May 24, 2010


 I was informed by Puan Siti Arfah who happened to be going on her round of the school that there were some kittens on the roof of the library and that they were in a very precarious position. I sprung into action and got Encik Sukri, the technician and some of the students to do a rescue operation. Before Encik Sukri could come with the ladder, one of the kittens had fallen from the roof . It was not badly hurt and my students said that it was hiding in the drain.

When Encik Sukri came with the ladder, two of the boys volunteered to go and rescue the two other kittens.
However, they could not find them. They looked all over the roof but the kittens could not be found. So that the end of Operation Rescue Kittens.
I found that the little kitten that had fallen down from the roof was now hiding behind the grill of the side door of the library.
See, the little kitty was baring its fangs at me in a very defensive position. Encik Sukri said to leave it alone so that it could calm down. If I were to touch it, I might have gotten bitten.

And so kitty was left alone to rest and recover from the trauma of its fall. When I went to check later, the kitty had gone. Perhaps, Mama Cat had come to take her litter to a safer place.

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