Sunday, May 16, 2010


Our school carried out the Gotong Royong Perdana yesterday morning.  The purpose of this 'gotong royong' is to foster closer ties amongst teachers, parents, staff and students of the school.
One of the activitie that was held early in the morning was the tree planting.  The honour of planting the first tree was given to En. Abu Bakar, the chairman of the Parent Teacher Association of our school.  He planted the Indian Jujube.  Our super principal, Puan Siti Arfah planted the Mahkota Dewa.  This is a herbal plant with a lot of medicinal uses.  Ustaz Lotpi, Cikgu Zulkipli, our Sarjan and Puan Rasilah planted the Pudding trees.  The honour of watering the Mahkota Dewa was given to Puan Zaiton, one of the committee members of the PTA.
After the tree planting ceremony, Cikgu Shahidan watered the plants once more to make sure that they had enough water.

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