Friday, April 9, 2010


During assembly this morning, our senior assistant told a very touching tale of a movie that he had watched when he attended a course recently.  The name of the movie was "Lean on Me".
Lean on Me is a 1989 biographical-drama film starring Morgan Freeman. It is loosely based on the story of Joe Clark, a real life inner city high school principal in Paterson, New Jersey, whose school is at risk of being taken over by the New Jersey state government unless students improve their test scores.

Plot Summary of "Lean On Me"

Eastside High School in Paterson, New Jersey, is plagued with numerous problems, especially those dealing with drugs and gang violence. Furthermore, the students are receiving low scores on the state's basic skills test.
During the opening credits sequence (in 1987), after the principal is brutally beaten to death by students for trying to break up a fight, Mayor Bottman (Alan North) consults school superintendent Dr. Frank Napier, (Robert Guillaume), who suggests the school hire elementary school principal Joe Clark aka "Crazy Joe" (Freeman), who was a teacher at Eastside High 20 years ago, as the new principal. The mayor is reluctant at first, knowing about trouble Clark has caused in the past. But Clark is hired and things immediately get tense after Clark dismisses from the school hundreds of students identified as drug dealers or abusers and troublemakers. A meeting between the parents of those students and the academic board only fans the flames.
The next day, Clark runs into one of the expelled youths, Thomas Sams (Jermaine 'Huggy' Hopkins), asking to be let back into the school. In a dramatic rooftop scene, Clark gives him a sharp lecture about crack and what can happen to Sams if he kept on using it. Clark then threatens Sams to commit suicide by jumping off the roof, but Sams, breaking down in tears, refuses and makes a promise to clean up his act. Clark reluctantly grants him a second chance to turn things around. Another dismissed student manages to get inside the school and attack another student before Clark comes to break up the fight. Knowing he is breaking the fire code, Clark orders all doors chained and locked during school hours to keep drug dealers out. Also, the students show no improvement in taking a practice version of the basic skills test (Passing was 33% below as seen on the test score sheet presented to Clark by Ms. Levias).
Clark does not put up with teachers who disagree with him either, especially those who do so in front of the students. One of his rash firings is reversed by the superintendent. Meanwhile, one parent whose son was expelled from Eastside by Clark, Leonna Barrett (Lynne Thigpen) aligns herself with the mayor in an effort to oust Clark. The fire chief eventually catches Clark not just for having chains on the doors, but conspiring to have them removed during surprise inspections.
Clark's arrest comes after a key scene involving Kaneesha (Karen Malina White), who remembers Clark from grade school. Clark is offering counsel about Kaneesha's unplanned pregnancy just before he is arrested.
That night, while Clark is in jail and the mayor is preparing to remove him, the entire student body converges on the Central Office of the Paterson Board of Education. They demand that Clark be released from jail and retained as principal.
Eventually, Clark is freed from custody, and to good news: enough students passed the basic skills exam which results in the current administration retaining control over the school. With that, Clark shuns both Mrs. Barrett and the mayor: "You can tell the State to go to hell!" Then Clark leads his students in singing Eastside High's school song (several scenes throughout the movie find Clark insisting that each student be taught to perform the school song on demand). The closing credits feature scenes of graduating Eastside High Class of 1988 seniors.


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