Tuesday, June 21, 2011


 Here are 27 types of herbs that I had cut from the school herb garden.  They include the leaves of the following plants pandan, Indian Jujube, jackfruit, belimbi, guava leaves, Inai, kaffir lime, serai wangi,  assam jawa, lemon, custard apple, lengkuas, anona, beluntas, kantan, cinnamon, ficus, bebuas, sirih, kaduk, cempaka, kemangi, cermai, assam gelugor and pomelo.  I also added ginger, lengkuas and pandan flower.
When I got home, I gave all the leaves a thorough washing. 

I rinsed with water for four times before placing them in a 5 litre pot to boil for about 45 minutes.  Lastly I added a fistful of rock salt to the concoction.
What I do is to take a shower first to clean myself of the day's sweat, dirt and dust.  Then I'll watch telly and have dinner.  After that I'd wait a while before immersing a towel to absorb the herbal concoction.  I'd use the hot towel to dab all over my body over and over again.  After that I'd wait for the water to become lukewarm before taking a bath with it.  Some of my friends add water to make it less hot, they say that it takes ages for the water to cool.  That is okay but the best effect is to use the undiluted herbal concoction for the bath.  After taking such a bath, one feels light and also energised. The benefits of the herbal bath is that it helps to rid the body of wind, strengthen the bones, improves blood circulation and improves the quality of the skin.  It is also very calming and invigorating.

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