Thursday, July 1, 2010


Besides Helmi and Anuar who are undergoing their traineeship in our school, Umairah from 4EI is also in a similar situation. She was in the workshop helping Puan Zamrudah on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Today she came to the library.  I gave her a few tips on taking photographs and made her take photographs of things happening in our school today. 
Later in the morning, I asked permission from Puan Siti Arfah to go out to buy plants for the Herb Garden and Umairah was to come along.  After that Puan Nor Amlina, Puan Salasiah and I would be taking her to EMSB where she was supposed to be undergoing her training.  We wanted to let her see for herself the workplace.

Puan Salasiah and I buying plants for the Taman Herba.
Instead of learning to fix components, Umairah learnt the names of some plants.
Miss Cheah with three of our trainees at EMSB
Puan Nor Amlina and Umairah with three of her classmates who are undergoing their traineeship at EMSB.
When we brought Umairah to EMSB, she was very curious about the things that her friends were learning and asked quite a number of questions.  Too bad that she is not well enough to join her friends for training.

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